This release is especially great for those in the US as the NTSC version of Cold Shadow never saw release on the Genesis due to a console exclusivity deal with Nintendo at the time. It joins Disney’s previous efforts to re-release it’s catalog from 3 years ago. Luckily this digital release has been reworked to run on modern Windows operating systems and plays exactly as it did back in 1995. Trying to run the PC version as-is today from an original copy will be impossible without the use of Virtual Machines as this version was made for Windows 95 before graphics libraries such as Direct X existed. Set details for Donald Duck in Maui Mallard (AKA Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow) Game Data: English title. The PC version, built off of the original Mega Drive/Genesis version, was enhanced with increased sound quality including Michael Giacchino’s soundtrack presented in CD redbook audio. Donald in Maui Mallard returns on Steam and GOG. Whatever you call him in your region, Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow a.k.a.

One being the PSOne/PC adaptation of Disney’s Hercules the other being the PC version of a classic Mega Drive game starring private investigator with a secret ninja alter ego, Maui Mallard played by Donald Duck. Disney threw a surprise today on PC digital download services by bringing back two of their classic platformers today.